Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tying Up Loose Ends

When we invest ourselves in the lives of a Church family, learn to love them and see the individuals as our brothers and sisters in Christ, it is one hard task to leave. Mostly I feel how very difficult it is for me to make closure. But I have to admit that it is probably hard for the Church family to have to go through that transition. Can't you just imagine what they are thinking? "What kind of preacher will we get next time? What if the next one doesn't like to joke around? What if he is a toe smasher? What if the next preacher's wife is a snooty tooty? Will she have to run things? Oh gosh, why cant we just keep the old one. After all, we FINALLY got used to him and now POOF - he is gone. And we have to go through this again."
But honestly, they might be thinking or (even worse - SAYING) "Halleluiah and please God send us a short winded one next time!"

Although I have tried to be upbeat and encouraging and positive about trusting God with all this, it is still difficult. I think back and see the things I didn't finish. I had goals that were not met. I really wanted to see this family restored, that wayward teen back on track, this program developed, more in attendance, more surrendering to the Lordship of Christ. I look back and recall the good times of sharing our understanding of the Scriptures together on Wednesday nights. How can I ever forget the challenge of playing the piano with an organist who had a style I had to learn, but what a privilege! It stretched me and taught me more about flexibility. And that blessing of friendship which will continue.
Of course there were challenges. Always are. Keeps us humble, doesn't it? And then there are the countless meals we have shared and projects we have completed to enhance our facilities and provide additional opportunities for worship and outreach. There are the shared prayers and blessings, the trips and quilting and patient sewing lessons and wonderful, bountiful, gardens that overflowed over our way. And my dear little ladies Sunday School class! Oh my goodness. How can I possibly leave?
Yet, when we know that God has closed a door, we have to be willing to accept that and head on into the future. I have to be willing to dry these puffy eyes and think of having more time to help my hubby-best-friend with his work on the road with Churches, and more time with the children and grandchildren. In these last few days, I am scurrying to see everyone I can, give a few last hugs and offer apologies for failures. I'm trying to tie up these loose ends and get a really thankful heart for the privilege of serving the Lord with people I have learned to love. And then I can rejoice and move forward. I'm trying to get there. Really, I am.

1 comment:

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Bless you! How well I know the feelings. It's amazing that we are going through the same thing at the same time. We just have to keep looking ahead to Jesus and focus on Him so we won't miss the next step.

But we're still human and can't help the emotions we experience at these times of transition.

I'll keep you in my prayers!