Friday, August 29, 2008

Patchwork Friends

"She gathers wool and flax and works eagerly with her hands."
Proverbs 31:13

Friends are one of Heaven's gifts. I'm quite sure of this. Some are with us for a short while and some are with us what seems like forever, but they remain friends on and on. I have been blessed to be part of a Quilting Group. I think of these dear ladies as my "patchwork friends." Each one is different and each one is colorful in her own way. We have learned to take scraps of material and put them together to make something lovely. It is amazing how it all works out. These ladies have been so patient with me, teaching me sewing techniques, guiding my awkward hands to help with forming more uniform stitches. I love them. I love being with them.

Quilting is kind of like The Body of Christ. It takes all kinds and shapes to put together and make something useful that can be a blessing to others. The mystery of the Bride of Christ - the Church - is not about a dynamic leader or revolving around a few colorful characters, but the combination of different individuals, uniquely designed by God, all put together carefully, one not overlapping the other. And then the covering is good and warm and does its job. Isn't that so much like what the Church needs to be? I think so. Yeah, I do.


Plant Lady said...

WOW! I'm sure you have all kinds of fun with the quilters. I have helped with a quilt with a group of quilters in my community. They are great! I enjoy all the wonderful conversation while sitting around the quilting frame.

It's wonderful how God places the "patchwork" of our lives together to fit into His "Master Plan".

Plant Lady

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Your group of friends look wonderful! I know you have many enjoyable hours together. I just met a lady who was quilting down at the music store in T'ville. (You didn't know we even HAD a music store, did you?) She had made a beautiful quilt and was starting another. They not only sell music, they give away Bibles, nice, new Bibles, to anyone who wants one.

I'm meandering.......glad we're in this together!!

Laurie Jones said...

I just wanted to tell you that all of the hard work your quilting group has done sure has paid off! The quilt for Julie's little Paisley is just beautiful! I could tell that Julie really liked it. :)