Saturday, September 20, 2008


This has been such a full day. Asthma has presented some problems and I have had to adjust. I find caffeine is helpful, yet it has a way of putting me into high gear. The perfect way to adjust to the extra burst of energy is to get busy with chores that I can do without over exerting. So I have tackled several such tasks and have enjoyed a wonderful day.

It is Saturday evening and I am thinking of my little ladies Sunday School class and wondering what they are studying tomorrow and praying for each of them. I'm wondering what music will be played to add to the worship and miss our dear friends. Today my husband washed and waxed his car. I was watching him out the window and he looked like that young man I fell in love with over 40 years ago as he rubbed and rubbed until the hood of the car was shining new. He had a smile on his face and reminded me that he wanted to watch a football game on TV later. He is making some adjustments these days. His favorite co-worker at his office (our daughter) has quit to become a homemaker and prepare for her little adjustment which is due in a few months. He misses her being there. He misses pastoring and our wonderful friends at the Church. Tomorrow we will visit another Church and wait for the Lord to lead just where we are to be. I'm so thankful that He wants to direct our paths.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths."


Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

I think one thing I will really be thankful for when I get to heaven is the fact that I will not have to endure anymore ADJUSTMENTS!!!!

It seems to be more difficult the older I get and I don't like it at all!!!

However, I have learned to appreciate God's unchanging character....He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!! Isn't that a cause for gratitude and rejoicing?

Mar said...

I know what you mean, Dorothy. We know that God is constant. That hymn "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" speaks to that. It is very restful and comforting to think of not having to adjust and try so hard at life, isn't it? But then I think of the little critters who begin in a shell and have to peck and struggle and peck and finally come BURSTING and CRASHING into the world. And I think of the birth process and labor of love that results in a tiny baby crashing into the world. Neat, but WORK!

I'm thankful along with you of God's unchanging - not a shadow of changing with Him!