Sunday, December 28, 2008


Hayleigh - Abigail - Sarah
Christmas has been lovely this year. From the quiet mornings of prayerful celebration of that humble manger scene and all it began - to the Church services - to the gathering of family and friends - such a season of love and joy. It is always wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the "cousins" as they get to be together for a few days. Laughter fills the house. This year the 3 youngest granddaughters decided to have their Christmas dresses match. (The oldest 2 and the youngest grandson were not so keen in dressing alike.) I got such a kick out of these 3 little angels. They are so loving and cute. I hope they remain close in the future. We have shared a lot about the past and the dear memories with loved ones. We have once again pondered whether the celebrations and commotion that surrounds us would really please the Lord Jesus. Now we are about to close out another year and begin anew. I need that new beginning - a time of resolutions and commitments. I pray that God will help me to be faithful in following His will. And to any who might read this blog, I wish for you peace and love and joy in the coming year.

1 comment:

Plant Lady said...

The angels look great in their matching dresses! It is so nice to have family and friends over at Christmas. There's just something about Christmastime that brings about special feelings of love and joy. Glad to hear your day was filled with love and joy as was mine.

When Jesus is the center of a celebration, joy is always there, isn't it?

Blessings to you!

Plant Lady