Somewhere in my life I recall the statement "We are not suppose to be fruit inspectors." That was made in reference to Christians not being critical and judgemental with each other and accusing others of lacking the fruits of the Spirit. That statement made an impression on me. But this morning, as I was enjoying my quiet time, the importance of the Fruit of the Spirit became once again strong within me. And I realized that I should be more concerned with what kinds of emotions and reactions are shown in how obedient I am to the Lord and how I interact with others. I know the Holy Spirit provides these fruit to those who are filled with Him. But how much do I allow Him to fill me? How often do I react towards others with:
Are these things seasoning my life? It was good to go over these, even reciting them over and over, praying that the Lord would fill me anew and remind me of just whose I am. And then I can live and feel and interact with others the way He would. After all, that is my goal. And Mondays are those days that I start with all my lists and goals and stuff. So THIS DAY I will stop and think and pray and be thankful for the fruit that the Holy Spirit provides, and that my life will be seasoned up a bit more. And that's got to be a really good thing.
A great post. We should all show the fruits of the Spirit but I know that I'm lacking in that area. My prayer is to get closer to Him, to open the eyes of my heart so I can see Him and hear from Him. Thanks for the reminder.
May God bless you,
Please come to my blog tomorrow. I have a surprize for you.
From my heart to yours,
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