Monday, July 20, 2009

Home - A Place to Serve

How wonderful it is this Monday morning to thank the Lord for answering our prayers. He has confirmed that we are to serve Him and the people of a dear church in our town. My husband is now the interim pastor and we are excited. It has been feeling as if this was going to happen. They have music ministry needs where I can fit in. They have been so appreciative and responsive to my husband's supplying off and on for some time. He has been supplying around for awhile now and we have been feeling as if we need to "settle down." No matter how long the interim period is, it will be so good to be "home" and serve as needed. I'm thankful and grateful to God for His leading and to those who have prayed.


From the Heart said...

To God be the glory. I'm sure you and your husband will fulfill the needs of this church with the help of our Heavenly Father.

Anonymous said...

God bless you both as you begin your interim service in a new fellowship !! God is so good, and ever faithful !
May His abundant blessings overtake you both as you start this new work, to His Glory !!
Love in Jesus,