Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Passing the torch.........

Passing the torch...........

"...that the truth of the gospel might continue...." Galatians 2

The conclusion of an interim period can be a time of sadness, relief and/or great expectation. We have enjoyed this past year and have grown to love the people. The challenge was great and we feel good about the sense of unity and love that surrounds our band of believers. We want to always be a part of this Body of Christ. We don't know what the Lord has ahead for us after a month of "catching up" and rest, but we pledge our prayers and love for our Church. We believe the Lord has called the new pastor specifically for this time and we have great expectations about how he leads us forward.

It's exciting for me to see a new pastor's wife, young and busy with 3 children - just as I was many years ago. I will do all I can to support, encourage and befriend this lovely young woman. How blessed the Church is to have this family come to lead us. It is a time for passing the torch along to the next runner in the race. It is a time to hold that torch high, feeling both humility at being a runner in this race, and feeling honor to pass it along.
Thank you, Lord.


Plant Lady said...

I know you will be an encouragement to the new pastor's wife just as you are to me. Be sure to invite her for tea. She'll be a friend for life like me!

Plant Lady

From the Heart said...

Your new pastor and his wife will welcome your past experience and your prayerful support. They can't help but love you. You are a very lovable person.
Blessings in what lies ahead for you and your husband.