Monday, July 21, 2008

It's Monday!

Whoopie! It's Monday! Mondays are absolutely wonderful. They are fresh new slates just waiting for a list to be created. I love to call my daughters and ask them to rejoice with me that it is Monday again. They try their best to join in the celebration but honestly I can visualize the "eye roll" behind their forced cheerful replies. Maybe I am a little weird. But I really do love Mondays and see them as opportunities to begin again. We have made it through another weekend with all the busy activities surrounding Church. We have worshipped and repented and listened and served and praised and fellowshipped. And rested? Sometimes, I think we miss that one. And we shouldn't. I'm adding that to my list: Next Sunday I resolve to really and truly rest.

Frequently I am teased about all the lists I make and consequently I am given all kinds of pads and notebooks to accommodate my lists. But you know, I NEED to make lists. Especially as I am getting older, I need prompters and a plan, so that I get at least the most important things done. So, Monday morning is a wonderful list making day. I look at my calendar and the month ahead briefly, the week ahead carefully and then I tackle the day's priorities with determination. OK, I have to admit I hardly EVER get it all done. But it's great fun to cheer my achievements and tear it all up at the end of the week! And then I thank the Lord for His grace and for giving me another Monday.


Amy McMillan said...

Love you!!! So excited that you're blogging! Thanks for the encouragement about Monday mornings. So often I don't wake up with a freshness to the day. It's more of an "Oh, boy, please get me through this Dear Lord!" You've reminded me of the proper perspective so please KEEP BLOGGING!!!

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

I'm so proud of you!! You are a wonderful writer and have a refreshing sense of humor. Welcome aboard! I know you'll enjoy the ride.
P.S. I'm a list maker too, much to my husband's dismay. I guess the problem is that I not only make lists for myself, but feel compelled to make them for him as well!

Unknown said...

I may be the tall thin dear cousin Nancy, but you are the smart one, the funny one and a joy to be with!

I've never thought of Monday mornings as a clean slate to start out the week, but I will now - thank you for the encouragement.

Hollie Pack said...

Only you could embrace Monday mornings like a refreshing dip in the pool. The rest of us are desperately grasping for a rope to pull us out of the quick sand. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to get out of a kitty litter box that needs to be scooped....and I don't even have a cat!
Mom, you always know how to make me smile...even on Mondays. I cherish our morning chats that give me a little boost to get the day started. I am so proud of you for so many reasons, but I think it is so awesome that you created this blog to share your inspiring thoughts. I have to admit, I am a little embarrassed that my mom has a blog and I don't know the first thing about the world of blogging. Very impressive! You're the best!
Love you!!!
Hollie (FAVE)