Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

One of the loveliest gifts I received this year for Mother's Day was an answered prayer. My first daughter, Julie, and her husband, Bill popped in on us as we were enjoying a delicious lunch at Laurie and Dan's house. Julie's face was beaming and Bill's smile spread from ear to ear. They handed me a basket of assorted goodies, but then said one gift would have to wait to be opened until January. Yes, Julie is having a baby! I cried. Laurie cried. Her Dad and Dan were pumping Bill on the back so hard, I feared they might dislocate something. Hannah, Peter, Sarah and Abby were cheering. And she called her sister Hollie to tell her, too and Jim and Hayleigh and Carter were all cheering, too! I kept thanking the Lord in my heart, for we have been praying for this a long time. Julie has watched her other two sisters having babies and at last it is her turn. It will be wonderful to switch out the picture of her holding baby Sarah with the new little baby of her very own come January. God is so good!


Plant Lady said...

Congrats on the upcoming arrival of the "bundle of joy!" I know that you wouldn't spoil him/her, would you? Enjoy!

Plant Lady

Plant Lady said...

The photo of the hummingbird comes from an online "clipart" site. I just go to a search engine like yahoo or some other and do a search for downloadable clip art of your choice. I must admit, Mr. Plant Lady helps me with all this techno stuff. He makes me look good at something when I'm really not! A wonderful husband God has blessed me with, don't you think?

Be Blessed~
Plant Lady in NC

Laurie Jones said...

I am so excited about having a new little niece or nephew! I love being an aunt to Hollie's Hayleigh and Carter. I know I will love Julie's little one just as much! Motherhood has been the greatest blessing of my life. I am amazed that God trusted imperfect me to raise my four precious ones. But then, I did have a great teacher!!!
Love you so much,

Mar said...

It is impossible to not be totally tickled about Julie and Bill's baby. Everytime one of my girls shares the news of expecting with me, the thrill is just beyond words. I know this little grandbaby will be as precious and loved as the other six. It is so exciting to see each one develop with their God given talents just as we were privileged to see our daughters uniquely developing into vibrant Christian young women. What greater gift can a mother ever receive?

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Marlene, you didn't tell me!!! I'm so happy for everyone!!!! GREAT news! We will keep her and the baby in our prayers.