Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"Every good and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Light, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning." James 1:17

Back in the 60's I remember a musical called "Westside Story," which spoke of the clashes of race which still plague us today. "One of your own kind, Stick to your own kind!" was one of the song lyrics. I guess that is how many people still think. We have to stick to our own kind in everything, or else we might stick out or in some way become polluted by those things which are different. Well, I have always bucked that type of thinking.

It has been a great joy in my life to know other Christians who may not worship the same as I do, who may not understand God's Word exactly as I do, and who live a bit differently than I do. And it has been through such friends that I believe the Lord has revealed important truths.

I count it a gift to have enjoyed a friendship with my dear friend, Michiko Murphy, a devoted servant of the Lord Jesus, for many years. She is a Japanese born wife and grandmother, whose own father and grandfather were Christian ministers in Japan. She and her American husband Don live in Arizona with their daughter Naomi. Their beliefs are in line with those of the Anabaptists (Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites). They believe that living "in community" is the teaching and example of the early Church. Their emphasis on obeying ALL that the Lord Jesus has commanded us to do has opened my eyes about my own faith and caused me to study the Bible more deeply.

Michi and I have corresponded for years and she has taught me so much about patience and the other fruits of the Spirit. She is not only a dear friend, but has been a strong prayer partner and encourager. The Holy Spirit often calls on us to pray for one another at just the right times. We take delight in sharing Jesus and the things He has done. The gift of our friendship has been priceless to me and I hope a blessing for her also.

I'm glad the different wrappings didn't keep us from opening the gift.


Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Wonderful insights, Marlene. I couldn't agree with you more!!! Eph. 4.....there is ONE body of Christ. So that means if you are worshiping the one, true, living God, and you trust in Christ for salvation, you are a family member...end of discussion!

By the way, I've missed you dreadfully. Glad to have you back home!!

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

P.S. As I was rushing around at Mother's I suddenly went air I am presently walking with a limp.