Monday, December 15, 2008

How wonderful to be in Church yesterday and enjoy worshipping the Lord. We visited in a local Church and were blessed with a lovely Christmas cantata "Emmanuel" arranged by Russell Mauldin. The choir was very small and mostly older members and they had obviously worked hard and enjoyed their contribution to the worship experience. It just felt so good to be in Church with my husband and visiting sister. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated. It would have been complete if we could have seen a little manger to focus on as we listened to the words: "Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord." He was surely precious as a little baby in such humble conditions. And He was precious as He willingly gave His life for sinful man. It was good to focus on Him in adoration. But then I have thought about the words to that Christmas carol and what it means to adore the Lord. We should be constantly and regularly and wholeheartedly adoring the Lord Jesus. He is our Christ, our Redeemer, our Peace. I want Him to be King of my life and Lord of all that I am. So, I do come to worship and adore Him this Monday morning. I do yield my life to Him afresh and anew and depend on Him to lead and guide, for that is the only way I can really show my love and adoration for Jesus Christ, the Lord.

1 comment:

Plant Lady said...


Hope your Christmas was merry. I'm sure that you all the family in and prepared a big delicious Christmas dinnner for everyone! Christmas is a time for family and friends and I think we all had them over at one time or another this season.

My Christmas was spent cooking dinner with my side of the family on Christmas day. Christmas eve was celebrated with my in-laws at my mother-in-law's. We each contributed a dish for the meal. I, once again had to cook the turkey and dressing along with the gravy. This is becoming to be a tradition. I'm ready to just fix a casserole or dessert or something else. (My sister-in-law can get away with just a can of green beans, although she usually doesn't even heat them up at home!!!) Well, some things just fall to tbose who will do them, don't they?

About the gourds-I have sold out of most of my nicer ones. I'm in the process of making others and when I'm done, I will post them along with their prices and you can let me know if you want one.

I had a lady call me today about purchasing some. She saw three gourds that a doctor's wife had purchased from me earlier this month. She wants to get a couple also. I have to get busy!!

Hope your new year is a happy one!

Plant Lady