Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Back in the day..."

Have you heard or used that phrase?
"Back in the day when life was more simple ...."
"Back in the day when I was young ...."
"Back in the day when respect was shown for ...."
"Back in the day when money was REALLY hard to come by ...."

My sister and I laughingly just cut it short and say "Back in the day" and we both know we are thinking back to our earlier days and probably nobody really wants to hear it, but we know. Yes, we know that things were different back then. And regrettably we have to admit that SOME things might have been a bit better back then. Certainly not all things, for we have learned and progressed along the way. But we well remember how things "use to be."

Sometimes I think about how life was different back in the day when Jesus was on earth and the disciples were going about their work. It must have been wonderful to be right there with Him and see Him and be in His Presence. It reminds me of a children's songs I used to teach the children:

I think when I read that sweet story of old
When Jesus was here among men.
How He called His little children as lambs to His fold
I should like to have been with them then.

I should like to have been with them then.
I should like to have been with them then.
How He called His little children as lambs to His fold
I should like to have been with Him then.

We probably shouldn't live in the past, generally speaking. But for sure we should cling to the things that never change - like God's unfailing love and desire to walk with us through each day. And we can surely look forward to the day when we shall see the Lord, our loved ones, and dwell with Him forever and ever and ever and ever......Kind of neat, isn't it?


Plant Lady said...

Good Morning Mar,

Mr. Plant Lady is back home and I must say, I'm glad. I sure did miss him!

Your post is wonderful! I've often wondered what it would be like to walk the roads that Jesus walked, visited the temple where he taught and just think thoughts like "Jesus may have rested here on this rock." I would dearly love to visit the Holy Land and take the treks that he did.

I guess, in some small way, we can "walk" the roads that he walked even if we never visit the Holy Land. We can go out into the highways and byways talking with others about the One who originally took that trek and tell them about the "Trek of Love" he took for all of us!

When you really think about it, He has touched every spot on this earth because He formed it with His hand! What a great thought!

Be Blessed!
Plant Lady

Plant Lady said...

Good Morning and Congratulations!

YOU'RE THE WINNER! Your entry of "Homestrung Beads and Baubles" was selected as the name for my jewelry creations.

I need to receive your physical address, so if you will, please email me at
Your information will not be shared with anyone.

P.S. If you talk to Dorothy, tell her not to be jealous! Ha! Ha!

Plant Lady

Mar said...

Oh goody! Thank you so much! Email forthcoming........

Blessings to you on this beautiful Saturday!

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

I have sooooo neglected my blog AND my blogging buddies!!!! Facebook is wonderful to find friends from years gone by but it sure is time consuming!!!!! (That's where I've been.) Sorry, Mar and Plant Lady......and congrats, Mar, on winning the contest!!!

In reference to your blog "Back in the day..." I get so tickled at Mom because she just says, "Back there....". Time does go awfully fast and I am not doing so well with that!!!! But it's all part of God's plan to get us to Heaven....