Monday, August 17, 2009


"Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

This morning began a little later than usual for me. I overslept a bit! Normally I am an early riser and my productivity is highest in the morning. It is interesting to be married to an opposite - one who builds up as the day progresses and is at his peak at the end of the day. It works for us except when I'm struggling to stay awake as he is sharing his most profound thoughts. Then I have to be understanding when he isnt able to focus as I am excitedly telling him of my plans for the day. "Uhmm Hmmm" is about all I get from this usually excellent communicater. Somehow it works for us as we grab moments here and there.

Wonder how God feels as we fail to focus on Him for one reason or another? I think that there is very little, if anything, that happens to us throughout the day in which He would not appreciate being involved. I love reading inspirational blogs where others find God in the smallest things and moments. It is most precious when a child makes a link to God from some small thing that occurs. "Mommy, do you think God knew I wanted a lonely puppy?" For sure, for CERTAIN, that has to warm the heart of our loving Father. And something makes me equally aware that He longs to hear from His children in all the happenings of their lives. I used to feel sorry that I wasnt disciplined enough in my prayer time. I still have to work at it, but now I've reached the conclusion that He likes me to pray throughout the day as well. Breathing prayers, talking to Him as I go about my work, sharing with Him the concerns of my heart - dont all have to be in the form of formalized prayers. Somehow I like knowing that Jesus knows me, really knows me and smiles and encourages and instructs and chastens me along the way.

One of my nephews was about 5 years old and had been scolded and sent to his room while I was visiting. I walked down the hall and just happen to overhear his little voice mumbling with a bit of a huff: "Now Jesus you know I'm TRYING to be good!" I had to hurry into another room to keep from laughing. It was so funny but also honest and innocent. He is now in college and I think he still prays, knowing that his God hears and knows.

This Monday morning I have a list that keeps going. I wont get it all done today, but together - my Lord and I will tackle what is most important. How could I ask for better than that?


From the Heart said...

What a beautiful post. I also have had a difficult time getting my priorities in order. I did start this year doing my quiet time with God early. And also pray during the day as things or people come to my mind.

Sounds like you and your husband or like me and my husband. We are total opposites. If he says the color is Red I'll say it's maroon or something opposite. But like you we have managed somehow to stay together almost 47 years. I really believe we owe it all to our Heavenly Father.

Hope your day went as planned. You can come to my blog anytime but be sure to visit sometime on Friday.

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Dear Marlene, how much we are alike!!! I could totally identify with you as I am an early riser and Mark is a night owl. I'm up and at 'em wondering how anyone could not be EXCITED over a beautiful, new day and as I tell Mark my plans for the day, he looks at me over a cup of coffee with sleep blurred eyes and doesn't say a word. Then about 10 p.m. my mind is quickly fading and he is ready for discussion, or a movie and is wide awake until all hours!!!!! Surely God has a sense of humor!!!!

Well, I enjoy reading your blog and hope you will continue sharing your inspirational thoughts!!!!!!