Monday, October 5, 2009

"Bringing them up in the ways of the Lord...."

Of all my treasures and things I hold closest to my heart, there is nothing that compares to the gift of seeing my children bringing up their children in the ways of the Lord. It touches me when I overhear my number one grandson gently reminding one of the younger ones to do what is right. He has learned how to behave and treat others and he makes it his job to share with those younger than he is. He is a strong young man and quite willing to help when asked and he is thoughtful of the feelings of others. I see the good genes being passed down from both his parents coupled with wisdom and humor and that makes a mighty fine mix. Peter Jones, you are one of my favorite people and I watch with pride at what a fine young man you are becoming.


Laurie Jones said...

Thanks, Mom. I didn't expect to tear up so early this morning. You are the best. Love you.

Laurie Jones said...

Thank you, Grandma, that was so sweet of you to say all those things about me. And I love you. And I want you to know that I hold a special place in my heart for you. Love, Peter.

From the Heart said...

Our grandchildren are so precious; what would we do without them, especially when they follow what they have been taught about God. My grandson recently called us while we were in Virigina visiting our oldest daughter, wanting all of our opinions about whether he should play baseball this year or not. He plays the quitar with a band at his church and he would have to give that up if he played baseball. I asked him what he wanted to do. He said he did not have fun playing baseball any more (and he was very good), he really did not want to give up his Wednesday nights of playing with the band. I was so proud of him for choosing what he thought God wanted him to do.

Also our granddaughter who will be 11 on Oct 23rd is being baptized this Wednesday night and she called to invite us to come. I can't wait.

Praise God for answering our prayers for my daughters and my two grandchildren.
From my heart to yours,

Mar said...

Alice, thanks so much for sharing about your grandchildren! Isnt that just the best thing in the world to be able to "be there" to witness the baptism of a grandchild and to be consulted about their decisions in their young lives? How wonderful it is to see your grandson being a part of worship and using his talents for the Lord. What a gift for a grandma!