Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Monday again!

Well, here we go. It's Monday morning again. The sunrise this morning was particularly bright and beautiful. Sometimes it seems Jesus Himself is rising and casting His love and warmth over the earth for just a moment. I do love mornings and Mondays are exciting.

I'm thinking of yesterday, worship, family, friends and rest. It was a very good day. Instead of feeling empty and ungrounded, we accepted an invitation and participated in worship in a different Church. The music was louder, faster and infectious. The pace was fast. Never heard a faster preacher. He definitely was not a southerner. No beating around the bush. He packed that good sermon with so much as he challenged us about our faith. It was wonderful to share lunch with friends and discuss our worship experience, our faith and the direction of our lives together. God is so loving to bring us into fellowship at just the right time.

Although having been raised and served in Southern Baptist Churches all my life, I have always enjoyed every opportunity to visit in different denominations and Churches. (In fact at times I have wondered if I am actually a bapticostal of the anabaptist persuasion.) What a mix! It is fascinating and challenging to see how other believers worship. Maybe we can all learn something from each other. If the truth be known, I really don't like labels - especially the kinds that separate us from one another. I wonder what the Lord thinks about labels and how proudly we adorn ourselves with them.

This morning as I see the week ahead, I'm DETERMINED to get back on that elusive diet. Exercise needs to be incorporated throughout this week. And I absolutely MUST empty 2 laundry baskets. The garden is calling me to be watered and weeded. The deck needs attention. Is that enough? Oh, and I need to make some calls. It's a stay-at-home-day and get some things accomplished right here.


Plant Lady said...

I think we get caught up in "labels" as to denominations etc. I know from having a dad who is Missionary Baptist, a mom who is Wesleyan, a husband who was Original Freewill Baptist, now a Wesleyan, and a brother-in-law who is Catholic and my sister, who is now attending a Southern Baptist church (she was raised Wesleyan, married a Catholic and went to the Catholic church for a while and is now at a Baptist church) Whew!!!

It's hard to keep up! In my thinking, God does not care what denomination you call yourself, just that you have accepted the "free gift" of salvation that His son offered as a sacrifice for your sins. It's only important the you be called a Christian and let your life show as much!

Blessings to you,
Plant Lady

Hollie Pack said...

What a great opportunity you have to explore new paths and get out of your comfort zone. I think so often we get caught up in walking in a straight line of familiarity. We are not always happy in our routine but it feels right. Good for you for stepping out and being open to curvy road!