Monday, September 29, 2008


Yesterday we enjoyed a wonderful celebration. We traveled to visit two aging uncles, both precious retired ministers in their mid nineties, and 3 triumphant aunts and 4 terrific cousins. The visit was long past due and such a joy. But in addition to the visit, we had the privilege of worship in the church where my parents were last members and where many of my relatives are still active. What a blessing! After seeing churches that are struggling, here was a victorious rural church - alive and wonderfully blessed! Music was joyful and reverent. The sermon was powerful. Although we thought this particular church was really in great shape compared to others we have visited recently, the pastor was strongly preaching the need for revival. That humility must surely be part of the reason God is blessing that congregation and community as He is. It really made us think. And it gave opportunity for me to praise the Lord for this body of believers that my own dear parents invested much of their lives in, and now is reaping a great harvest. What a celebration!

I had to hold back from wanting to stand in the midst of the service and say "Those are MY COUSINS up there playing that organ and piano so beautifully!" I knew that would be dreadfully prideful, but I was tempted. I could squint my eyes and almost see my little mother up there in the choir along with several of her sisters and brothers. I could also just picture BOTH sets of grandparents sitting in their respective places in the pews. Oh the memories! But they didn't hinder the full participation and appreciation of the wonderful worship service of the day. Thank you, Lord for the blessing of worshipping with Your people.


Plant Lady said...

Glad you had a great time!

Plant Lady

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

So thankful the Lord blessed you with a wonderful weekend. I'm also enjoying "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place" of my very favorites from college days!

Hope "tea time" will be real soon!!!