Friday, May 15, 2009

"Once there was a garden fair...."

Once there was a garden fair
Far away - across the sea
Something wonderful and great
Happened there for you and me.
Alleluia Alleluia!

You probably thought I was going to write about my bountiful garden that is lush and green and promising wonderful things soon. Something like Plant Lady might be producing. Not exactly. Yes, I have a garden outside. It is modest, but it is looking green and ALIVE and I'm trying to keep it going. I do NOT have a green thumb, but I'm hopeful about tomatoes, squash, onions and zucchini gracing our table this summer.

This morning I awoke with that little song above on my lips and mind. It was a song we taught our girls in the Primary Choir back in the early 1980's. My middle daughter, Laurie, sang part of it as a solo. I can still hear that little voice back in my "rememory." Today I can hear it all over again as her little daughter, Sarah, sings and is loving her voice lessons with "Ms. Dorothy." What a blessing.

Back to the garden. When I picture Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying to follow His Father's will, praying for strength to go to the cross, how I wish I could have heard His words. What a lesson in prayer! Sometimes I think my own prayer time falls short. Yes, some days it is wonderfully refreshing and long enough to accomplish something - a breakthrough. But sadly, some days - even first thing in the morning - I allow the tasks of the day to divert me and I yield to the rushing to complete my prayer time. And that is sad. It was in the Garden that Jesus set the wonderful example for His disciples. He humbled Himself to obedience and total, loving surrender to complete the task of salvation's plan. If Jesus, God's own Son, needed to enter into a season of prayer and linger until it was completed, surely I should follow suit. Lord, help me to stay in the garden of prayer a little longer.....actually a lot longer.


From the Heart said...

You are so right and I catch myself doing exactly what you said. I am trying so hard to do my devotions first and pray before starting anything else.

We live in an apartment so we don't have a garden and the grass is cut for us including the shrubs. However I do have a small corner with plants. I will have to post them.

Dorothy Bowen Klass said...

Thanks for the admonition!!!! I need to remember this as well. My "season" of prayer sometimes becomes a "word" of prayer!!!

And I don't believe I've heard this song, Marlene. You'll have to sing it for me.

Still hoping for teatime!!

Frank_D said...

Do you know where I can get a recording of that song ?
My friend asked me to look for it for her ....
Thanks in advance ...

If you have it in MP3 you can just attach it to the mail

Thanks ever so much