Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cousins and Chuckles and Memories

Two talented little girls. Hayleigh loves sports and excels in every sport she is involved in. Sarah loves to sing and play the piano. Talented, precious little girls. Cousins that are as different as can be, but they are the closest of cousins and love time together.
As I get older, my loved ones get dearer and dearer. It's kind of funny. Although lately I cant say my memory is the best, it is amazing how clear old memories are of times spent with family and loved ones years ago. Visiting cousins, shopping with aunts, standing still for Mother as she marked the hem for a dress, playing some serious softball with my sister, seeing my baby brother's first steps, playing the piano and singing with Grandmother - wonderful memories and as clear and dear as ever!
I get a real kick out of seeing my grandchildren growing close to each other. Seeing a daughter love her nieces and nephews as much as she loves her own. Hearing my husband chuckling over antics of the children and smiling from ear to ear.......what a good life this has been.
I have a feeling that God blesses us with the simple things in life like cousins and chuckles and memories that stay put.
Thank you, Lord.


From the Heart said...

I did not get to know a lot of my cousins on my mother's side because they lived a couple hours and states away, but I have had the opportunity to get to know one of my cousins via the internet. She and I are so much alike you'd think we were sisters. She's about 2 hrs away so we go visit every chance we get. What a blessing.

Sorry I have not been on the computer much this week as I've had a really bad urinary infection. It has really taken it's toll on me but I am on the mend and hope everyday will be better than today.
From my heart to yours,

Mar said...

Hey Alice,

So sorry you have struggled with that infection. Those things are rough! Glad you are on the mend!
How absolutely wonderful that you now have been able to reconnect and get to know your cousin! The internet truly can be a blessing. Isnt it interesting that you two are alike - showing your matching "genes" God bless you, friend.