Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Be still and know that I am God...." Psalm 46:10a

This morning the wind is strong and the rains are continuing here. A tree fell across our driveway. It is a blustery day. As I began my morning devotions, the Lord called out to me to be still and listen. I closed down my thoughts and plans of what to read, etc. I listened. The wind was steadily whirring and blowing and whistling through the trees in our backyard. The rain comes and goes in spurts, hitting the leaves, hitting our roof, and making splashy puddle sounds. I hear nothing but natural sounds this early. No cars or school buses or other sounds just yet. From my quiet place window I see many trees and the colors of the leaves are still magnificent, even though it is past the peak season for fall colors. In the morning light the leaves are beginning to fade yet they are rich, thoroughly washed, and beautiful. God made all this. Man has had nothing to do with all that I have experienced this morning. Being still and observing God's awesome creation leaves me feeling amazed and blessed.

In the stars His handiwork I see

On the wind He speaks with majesty
Tho He ruleth over land and sea,What is that to me?

Meeting this new day and knowing that my Creator will equip me to do what He wants me to do is a comforting thing.

1 comment:

From the Heart said...

"Be still and know that I am God". That is one of my favorite verses.

Have a blessed day.